
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crusader Kings 2, A dynasty of backstabbers

Recently got the latest Paradox game Crusader kings 2 (thanks Victor 1!)
And I started the game as the Swede Sven I of Östergötland, a 10 year old with one relative, his father Kol Svensson.
The first thing I did was to get bethroded to Norweigan lass named Ragnhild Hakonsdatter, who was of the same age as my character.
As the years went past and my character came of age we married, and later had a daughter.
I wanted a son to continue my dynasty (at that stage I thought I needed that to happen because my current heir would otherwise be the daughter, who would inherit everything for my wifes norweigian wife, that would mean game over for me). after some more time we had two twin daughters. So I still had the same problem....
I tried switching to another inheritance law, but that only made the king of sweden the 'heir' to my holdings. Still game over for me if that would happen, so that only made relations with my daughters and wife sink like a certain Swedish ship of some renown...

Sven I's life ambition when he came of age was to become the steward of the kings court, just for kicks, I have no idea what benefits that would get me, but Svens stewarding skill was pretty high (15) so why not?
I helped the king defend against Erik the Heathen's usurping, and also imprisoned my bishop who suggested we should convert religion too, as Erik had done. Such nonsense! Long live the king!
the battles ended in victory for the king and I, and Erik was imprisoned by the king. I sent my chancellor to try and get som claims on his former land, but the king took it for himself later on. Drats!
My king had granted me the title of Keeper of the Swans. apperantly a noble title, but I can only imagine the obnoxious noise coming from keeping swans in your holdings...

Even later I had a son, but what's this? He would also inherit my lands and titles for the Norwegians.I had errored somewhere!
There was a simple solution to this, though nasty. I first wanted to divorce my wife, but this being the ye olde times the pope would have nothing of it!
So I resorted to assassinating my wife. Good times indeed.
I immidietly remarried a swedish lass from my own province. Hoping to sire a new, legitimate son to carry on my dynasty.
But it was still the matter of my previous son, he would still inherit what was mine it seemed.
So I sent another assassin for him!

I also let that bishop ransom himself out of my dungeons for a small pile of cash.
He was of another faith though and he didn't really like me, so I got rid of him too.
Can't have him plotting against me now can I?

My king then sent me to war in Prussia were Sven gained the trait Craven (coward), gee thanks I thought, but as we were victorious and gained a province in Prussia my liege was kind enough to grant it to me. I'm also currently trying to wrest some land from a 18 year old girl up in Hälsingland by forging claims to the province. It shall be mine!

Right after that I had another son, this time with my new wife, and look at that! he's a proper one that won't end the game after Sven I's death! Success on that front at last!

Another son was born awhile after that, always nice to have a spare, but after Sven's death he will inherit my province down i Prussia, so my holdings will be slightly divided once that happens. Can't win 'em all I guesss (no need to kill another son!)

I thought occured to me, seeing as how all my assassination were such a winning concept, maybe I could assassinate the kings current steward, opening up that slot to my character, enabling me to fulfill my ambition earlier than waiting for the current steward to die of age or whatnot.
It was a success yet again, and just as planned my king granted me the job of steward of sweden! My new ambition is to amass a nice pile of gold (500 gold to be exact), I currently have a measly 47 gold...

I will write another report of The adventures of Sven I and his Dynasty as I continue to play, until then, watch out for cloaks and daggers ;)

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